How to increase penis thickness: home and medical methods

Many men are not happy with the length and volume of their genitals. There are many ways to add a few inches to yourself. The choice of how to increase penis thickness depends on the expected results and initial data. If you need to add volume by a few millimeters, you can also tackle the simple home method.

What affects the thickness of the penis?

a man with a tape measure who wants to increase the thickness of his penis

If the penis is wide, this provides additional stimulation during intercourse.

Before you understand how you can increase penis thickness, you should know if a man needs it. The normal circumference of the penis is 10 to 15 cm. According to statistics, most men have a penis length of 13-16 cm and a volume of around 12 cm.

Large penis girth gives:

  • better vaginal opening stimulation;
  • tighter penile tension by vaginal wall;
  • better erection control;
  • obvious sensation during orgasm.

If a woman’s vagina grips the penis tightly, the man will feel additional stimulation throughout the penis. This increases the sensitivity of the head and increases the sensation of orgasm.

It has been proven that women get orgasm as a result of stimulation of the first five centimeters from the entrance to the vagina. A large penis produces a fuller effect, which increases the production of arousal and lubrication of women. As a result, the woman reaches orgasm faster.

It is important to understand that large penis thickness is not a prerequisite for female satisfaction. Many women claim that they get the same pleasure with a partner whose members have different thicknesses.

Principles of penis thickness home enlargement

The best way to increase penis thickness depends on initial data and a man’s willingness to experiment. All methods of penis enlargement at home are based on stretching. The fact is that the girth of an erect penis depends on how much the corpora cavernosa is stretched when filled with blood. The structure is soft and durable, so it can be stimulated to stretch in a variety of ways.

At home they use:

  • massage and stretching exercises;
  • mechanical tools;
  • drugs that stimulate blood flow.

All of these methods are unsafe and have some nuances. The most effective method of increasing the length and diameter of the penis is through surgery, which helps enlarge the penis and increase its blood supply. The problem lies only in the risk of complications associated with all types of surgical interventions.

Penis stretching exercises

measure the thickness of the penis before enlargement

If you do the exercises correctly, the results can be seen a month after the start of the class.

The natural way to increase the thickness of the penis is by stretching it. This is done by using self -massage or exercise. To do this, you must first warm the penis with a hot bath or shower (at least 10 minutes), or a towel soaked in hot water. Pre-warming allows you to avoid injury while stretching the soft structures of the organ.

Then the lubricant is applied to the hands; It is also recommended to apply lubricant throughout the penis and add it as needed. A man must achieve an incomplete erection state until the penis is erect around 70%. Gentle penis stretching is ineffective, and the effect on the penis in a state of full erection is dangerous with the possibility of injury.

Then, with the left hand, you need to hold the base of the penis tightly, and with the right hand, start stretching the stimulus. The hand moves with pressure from the base of the penis to the head. If such a stimulus causes a full erection, you should interrupt the procedure, wait for blood flow, and then continue the stimulation.

Repeat the exercise for 20-40 minutes. Each time, the duration of exposure should be increased to a few minutes, turning the training into an hour a day. After stretching the penis, a massage should be done. To do this, you need to do a gentle circular motion, speeding up the blood, replacing it by clapping your fingers. The first results will be visible after about a month of regular exercise.

Stretching requires attention and care or injury may occur.

Extender, pump, ring

pump to increase the thickness of the penis

The pump helps increase penis length and width, but this is only a temporary effect.

Another method to increase the diameter of the penis is the use of special tools. This increases blood flow to the organs and stimulates an erection.

The safest way is to use an extender. This is a device that is placed on the penis and puts excessive pressure inside the corpora cavernosa, stretching it. Extenders should be worn for 1-2 hours a day. It is small and invisible to others. The results can be evaluated within three weeks.

The pump is a special device for stretching the penis in length and width. The penis is placed in a thermos, and then air is pumped out of it. As a result, a vacuum is created, pressure increases on the penis, and the corpora cavernosa is stretched.

Erection rings are used to enlarge the penis. A ring is attached at the base of the penis to squeeze it, but leave room to slide. Then, in the state of partial erection, movements are performed to stretch the penis. Use lubricant to prevent injury.

Increasing the volume of the penis with such a tool allows both to enlarge the penis and improve the erection. The main disadvantage is the risk of injury. Pumps are considered the most dangerous from this point of view. Improper use of tools can cause hematomas, rupture of blood vessels, damage to the penis shaft. Extenders are safer, but require skill. The main rule that must be followed is that when pain occurs, the tool should be immediately removed.

Penis enlargement drugs

The drug improves blood flow and penis enlargement.

Another way to increase the thickness and thickness of the male limb is to use special preparations. You can buy it at a sex shop.

All preparations contain herbal ingredients that increase blood flow to the genitals. They must be used several times a day. According to the manufacturer, after three weeks of periodic use, you can see an increase in penis volume. However, the effectiveness of such drugs has not been clinically proven.

Such drugs should not be used with intolerance to the components of the composition and infectious diseases of the genital organs.

A quick way to enlarge your penis is with pills. Organ enlargement occurs due to increased blood flow to the corpora cavernosa. The effect of the pill disappeared after a few hours, and the size returned to normal. Lack of methods - pills for erectile dysfunction should not be used by healthy men. Among the contraindications are cardiovascular pathology, heart attack or stroke, liver dysfunction.

People's method

traditional medicine to increase penis thickness

Alternative methods are less effective, but they have a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Traditional medicine cannot have a big weapon that is truly effective for penis enlargement. From the proven methods, it is recommended to use the following methods.

  1. Take a tablespoon of hawthorn, place in a thermos and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Enter for 3 hours, and drink 100 ml daily.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of honey with the same amount of water and ½ tablespoon of baking soda. Apply this medicine all over the penis every day.
  3. Pour a tablespoon of St. John's wort. John with a liter of water and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Then strain the broth and take 100 ml daily for three weeks.

The effectiveness of such methods is questionable, but decoctions and infusions have a positive effect on blood circulation.

Surgery and other methods

an increase in surgery on the thickness of the penis

The most effective way to enlarge the penis is surgery.

The method of penis thickening at home is not effective, so regular surgery is the best method to enlarge the penis. If necessary to increase the volume, ligamentotomy is used. During the procedure, the length and volume of the penis increase. The disadvantage is the high risk of complications and general invasiveness of the procedure.

An alternative method is the injection of hyaluronic acid in gel form. Using a syringe, the doctor injects the entire penis, injecting a small amount of gel evenly. This fills the soft structure of the penis and stretches it slightly, resulting in an increase in volume of about 1-4 cm, depending on its original size. The effect of the injection lasts about a year, then the procedure can be repeated.

Which doctor should I go to?

see a doctor to increase the thickness of the penis

Before using the methods of medicines and folk remedies to enlarge the penis, it is recommended to consult a urologist.

If after doing exercises and exercises that increase the penis, no results are visible, and the use of extensions and pumps is unacceptable to a man, it is recommended not to do self -treatment, but to see a doctor. You need to see a urologist (andrologist) about other options to increase penis volume. If the doctor sees an urgent need for surgery, he or she will give the patient several options to solve the problem.